Scene 1[]
(The first thing we see is a beautiful beach as seagulls squawk in the background. This beach is revealed to be a background on a computer monitor in an office setting.)
(The lights suddenly go out as a Worker Drone, Amda, hides under the desk. She peeks out to see the paralyzed body of a fellow drone stuck in a boot loop. She crawls slowly towards her colleague to try and reach them as a claw emerges from the shadows. She doesn't notice this, however, as she finally reaches her fallen friend.)
(A blue light flashes and she drags the drone by the foot. She stops to resume her hiding position, until she works up the courage to finish dragging the drone. But before she can reach it, two creatures grab the drone and tear it apart, oil spilling out everywhere.)
(She quickly resumes hiding when a blue light shines before her. A Sentinel has found her location. As she tries to escape, the Sentinel flashes a beam of light into her eyes, boot looping her. The Sentinel crawls down and presumably feasts on her.)
(All of this has been captured on a security camera.)
Scene 2[]
(When we last left our heroes, they had just encountered J, Doll, and Tessa.)
N: T-Tessa...?
Tessa: (Hugs him) N! You remember– (She begins coughing.) Tall, handsome... Air's toxic... (Notices Uzi) Who is this little– (Uzi bites her finger.) Ah!
Uzi: Uzi! Why are you here, human?! (Notices J) Real tired of killing this one.
J: (Strokes her hair back) Effective drones were cloned more.
N: (Chuckling) It is you.
V: Classic J.
Tessa: Cyn disappeared on Earth–
J: Boss ran away.
Tessa: (Annoyed) We mutually disengaged. Her last known act was siccing you lot on the human exoplanets.
N: Why?
J: That's what we're trying to figure out, bozo.
(Suddenly, Doll uses her Absolute Solver to snatch the bug on top of Tessa's head into her hands and takes off.)
Tessa: That's... kind of a big piece.
(J deploys her wings)
Scene 3[]
(J and Tessa chase Doll, firing at her, until she drops herself down a large shaft. Uzi, N, and V catch up.)
Tessa: J, relay hand, Cyn's orders.
(J brings up a screen.)
J: Step one: Clear drop zone of life and construct spire. Step two–
Tessa: Enter labs with this symbol.
(She tears down some large paper to reveal a poster behind it. Taped near the bottom it reads: "CABIN FEVER")
Tessa: Not too much to go off, but if Cyn wants these labs, we burn them down. That keybug's our way in. (She walks towards the edge of the scaffolding.) J, mind my ship.
(Tessa tosses J the keys. J glances at N and V with uncertainty.)
J: ...Of course, boss. (She flies off.)
(Tessa continues to walk, only for Uzi to stand before her, blocking her path.)
Uzi: Why involve Doll? What's happening to (looks down) ... her?
Tessa: She reckons the humans did something to her folks down here. Gave them a sickness she inherited.
Uzi: (Covers her collar) ...And?
Tessa: I think she's right... (To N and V) Coming or what?
(She jumps off, leaving the concerned trio wondering whether it's a good idea to follow her.)
Scene 4[]
(The group land down the dark, damp cavern below the surface and begin to look around.)
N: Is the secret elevator... labeled? (No answer. V rolls her eyes.)
(As Tessa walks, she accidentally kicks a severed Drone arm. It rolls as she sees the piles of corpses. Everyone looks around at their besmirched setting. N looks like he's ready to vomit.)
Tessa: Riiiight... Might be some security, specifically against... (points at them) you guys.
(Uzi looks to her left. There's some writing on the wall which read "DON'T LOOK" and "THE LIGHT")
(Scared, she slowly reaches out for N's hand.)
Tessa: Humans-made security this human can control. Hehehehe! (Reaches for a paper)
(Unfortunately, it says "ACCESS DENIED")
Tessa: (Puts the paper back) ...Maybe.
V: Anything to screw Cyn's plan.
N: And for Mom backstory. (To Uzi) Right, dude?
Uzi: ...Yeah.
(They continue walking until they come across a directory. It states that the secret elevator is north of their direction. N giggles excitedly over being right and turns to his friends for validation. V's eye just twitches, while Uzi gives a supportive nods.)
Tessa: Huh. Righty-ho. Sources say that way–
(Before she can finish, she gets dragged off by her foot due too a trap.)
Tessa: (Rapidly) Except I'm going this way, so save me if you can, THANKS!
Scene 5[]
(The gang try to find where Tessa got dragged off to. While doing so, they stop at the sound of a child's laughter.)
Uzi: ...Shoot the baby immediately?
(The baby robot head suddenly grows legs and runs off before N could hit it. Suddenly, a long arm lands in front of them. The arm switches to a detonator-like device. They turn around to see a Worker Drone and the baby robot are behind them with the arm being attached to one of the Worker's antlers)
Alice: (Chuckling) Hey, surface slickers.
(An explosion occurs and everything goes black.)
Scene 6[]
(The sound of an axe chopping is heard as Uzi wakes up. She looks around her as we see a magnet attached to her head. She looks to her right to see Alice chopping off the head of a now-deceased Amda. She tries to get up, but to no avail.)
Alice: Sentinels picked at this one. I try and not damage good parts. Of course, some parts are more valuable than others, ain't they?
(She pulls back a curtain to reveal V strapped to a table)
V: More valuable.
(Alice gets ready to chop her head off.)
Uzi: Whoa, hey, cut that thing up and you're gonna get a big creepy worm. An improvement.
(V rolls her eyes)
Alice: Nah, heat keeps 'em sluggish.
(She hops on top of an oven and opens the door, revealing the contents inside: Murder Drone hearts.)
Alice: Ain't our first rodeo.
(She closes the door.)
Uzi: (Grossed out) ...Okay, that's enough of this.
(She tries to use her Absolute Solver but it doesn't work.)
Alice: (Chuckles) Dealt with witches 'fore, too. (She brings Uzi's collar up close to hers.) Though, ain't seen 02 since she left us to die...!
Scene 7[]
(In another room, Tessa is bound to a table.)
Tessa: Little buddy, you're gonna get red and sad if you try that with me.
(Beau is working on N, who seems to enjoy this, for some reason.)
N: (Giggling like a small child) It tickles! The bad version, though!
(Beau pauses for a bit.)
N: ...Doing great, dude.
Tessa: N, whose side– (She quiets down.)
N: Tried sawing there?
(Beau lowers his saw to a specific spot. N shakes his head "no". Beau moves his saw a little bit to N's right. N being the good teacher that he is winks, indicating "yes". Just as he's about to get to work.)
Alice: (Over the radio) Beau, we've got Nori's kid here! (What sounds like a crunching bite followed by Uzi's laughter can be heard in the background.) Need more sedatives. It's bitey.
(Beau grabs a couple more magnets and leaves. N waves goodbye, and Beau peeks his head in to wave back.)
Tessa: Ugh, finally, the code. Lordy... (She takes the magnet off her head with a knife.) Walk and talk?
Scene 8[]
(Back with Uzi. She gets the three magnets stuck to her head as she spits a severed piece of Alice's finger in Beau's face.)
Uzi: How'd you know my mom? Was she cool? She didn't suck, did she?
(Alice doesn't answer any of these, focusing on replacing her missing finger piece with a spare. Before she can get back to work.)
Alice: (To Beau) Back to the others!
(Beau hurriedly exits the room. On a monitor behind Alice, Uzi sees Tessa and N escaping their room. A bright light is suddenly shown in her face.)
Alice: You're a lot like her, I'll say. 'Cept her yellow eyes.
(She prepares to sever Uzi's finger with a hand pruner.)
Uzi: (Batting her away) Easy, creep. You've got the wrong–
(A blade at the end of Alice's tail is suddenly sunk into her hand.)
Alice: Nori, right? Sure thought imploding all them folks was pretty slick.
(Alice gets ready to sever her finger again. Uzi tries to use her Absolute Solver to stop her, to no avail.)
Uzi: (Voice glitching) Wait, stop. Seriously, what are you talking about?
(V winces as soon as Uzi's finger is cut off)
Scene 9[]
(Beau enters V and N's room, only to discover their missing. He goes out to warn Alice. Nearby, N watches Beau from behind a desk while Tessa is typing away on a computer.)
N: They've gotta be in there, right?
Tessa: No worries, we'll save V.
(She gestures for N to sit down, but he kicks his chair away.)
N: (Sternly) And Uzi.
(Tessa turns back to the computer. With a few keystrokes, the room is filled with a yellow glow from the monitor.)
Tessa: Wanna take a gander at Earth, N?
N: No, Tessa, we don't have time–
(Before he can finish, something on the monitor catches his attention.)
(Meanwhile, in V and Uzi's room, Beau is looking through the security monitors for any sign of Tessa and N.)
Alice: (Shoves Beau aside) They can't leave the office, idjit! (She turns back to Uzi.) Can't get back in our rooms, neither.
(She presses a couple buttons and two doors close, one of which leading into the room their in now. She presses a third button. This opens a door to allow Sentinels loose.)
Uzi: (Terrified) Wait...! Please...!
(Alice sits down with "popcorn" (actually batteries) and watches the Sentinels roam the office complexes. One Sentinel devours the security camera in front of it. Uzi continues to attempt to use the Solver as Alice finds entertainment in the Sentinels' rampage.)
Scene 10[]
(To N's horror, photos on the monitor show a live feed of Earth, which has been blown up.)
Tessa: We know it mutates in damaged AI. It took Cyn as a host, then it took everything. The humans here saw what was happening at home. Thought they could understand it. (She pulls up a few images, then a security feed of a possessed Nori before the feed gets cut out.) All they did was spread it.
N: Then Uzi... You can fix her, right? That's why you're here?
Tessa: (Gets up and takes N's hand) I'm here to find which drones were infected. When we get to the labs and find that list, I'll need you to choose the universe over one little drone, N. Before she's not herself anymore...
(N contemplates this. Suddenly, a Sentinel appears in front of him and attacks him. Alice continues watching this while Uzi struggles more to free herself. Just as the Sentinel is about to go in for the kill.)
Tessa: Hey, fella. Me, human, order you to be a nice dingo, please?
(Tessa extends her hand out for the Sentinel, causing it to bite her soon after.)
Tessa: (Frees herself) Bad, dingo! Bad, dingo!
(The Sentinel goes crazy until it smacks against a wall and collapses to the ground. A couple more Sentinels appear to corner Tessa as Alice continues to watch until the batteries levitate in the air. She looks behind her. Beau and various equipment are floating as well. Uzi turns around, but her eyes are now yellow.)
Uzi/Absolute Solver: Oh, don't mind me.
(V turns to her right, looking worried)
(Uzi uses her Absolute Solver to destroy the door buttons, thus opening the doors and giving the Sentinels more free roaming in the area. The Sentinels make their way to Alice's room.)
Scene 11[]
(Alice slowly closes the door before the Sentinels show up.)
(It's too late. The Sentinels are here. Alice is flashed and paralyzed as the Sentinels enter the room, crushing Alice under their feet, thus getting rid of her for good. Beau frees V, and gets mauled by a Sentinel. V goes over to Uzi's table and gets cornered before she could save her. Just as V tries to fight back, the Sentinels have already all been killed, transformed into a flesh amalgamation. V looks over at Uzi, who's now unconscious.)
Scene 12[]
Tessa: (Pokes N's face) Wakey, wakey.
(N wakes up.)
Tessa: Don't say I never did anything for–
(V lands in the room, Uzi being carried on her back.)
N: V! Is Uzi–
V: Hurt. We're leaving.
Tessa: I can take a squizz at–
V: (Threateningly) You said you could control the Sentinels!
Tessa: I... (looks down at her bitten arm) At least they can't boot loop me, but we'll just have to–
V: (Turns to leave) Do whatever you want. N?
(No response)
Tessa: It's okay, N. I haven't been honest with V yet.
V: ...What did she tell you?
(At that moment, Uzi regains consciousness.)
Uzi: (Groaning) Ow... My freaking head.... (Sees N) N?
(N waves. Uzi runs and hugs him, and he silently returns the embrace. V stares at Tessa, her cold stare reflecting off Tessa's helmet.)
Scene 13[]
(The Sentinel that bit Tessa awakens, its icy blue eyes changing to blood red. Its radar indicates bloody footprints nearby. It follows the trail until it comes across a message: HOLD STILL)
(Uzi, N, V, and Tessa watch from above. Uzi silently looks at N.)
Uzi: (Silently) U GOOD?
(N shrugs.)
Uzi: (Silently) TALK LATER?
Uzi: (Silently) >:3
(Suddenly, the Sentinel leaves. They get back to the ground when, in the distance, they see Doll, stuck in a boot loop and holding the bug in her hand.)
Uzi: That's... convenient.
V: It's a trap!
Uzi: Yeah, no... Nevermind.
(She begins to use her Absolute Solver.)
N And V: DON'T!
(They stop her,a confused V looks at N behind Uzi’s back. Uzi is weirded out by this.)
Tessa: (From afar) Oi! (She's holding the insect) Bloody convenient, eh?
(The trio make their way towards her. Uzi and N hold hands along the way. They briefly disconnect, but reconnect after a few seconds. After catching up with Tessa, V notices this romantic sight.)
V: Ew.
Tessa: Don't date my robot, please.
Uzi: (To Tessa) He's his own person! (To V) You, ew! You're mean!
(Suddenly, the insect is lifted up. It flies back into Doll's hand, revealing it was, indeed, a trap, as Doll used a buffering GIF to imitate the bootloop. Doll places the bug on the proximity reader, then uses her powers to open all the doors in the area. She falls down the shaft as the elevator arrives.)
Insect: 💀 Bruh.JPG
Scene 14[]
(The Sentinels have arrived.)
Tessa: Uh-oh, hope I don't human everywhere!
(Tessa spreads the blood from her arm onto the ground in front of her to ward off the Sentinels, which aren't programmed to target humans. The red-eyed Sentinel examines the scene; most of the Sentinels turn their noses from the blood and walk away, uninterested. Tessa smugly leans on her sword and the red-eyed Sentinel slithers down. It licks the blood off its teeth, then roars a hearty roar and slowly advances—it's acquired a new taste for humans. Tessa is shocked out of her bliss and hurriedly readies her sword, while V crawls to the ceiling. Ready to aid in her friends' escape, Uzi uses her Absolute Solver to break a hole into the back of the elevator.)
N: Uzi, no!
(The Absolute Solver symbol suddenly glows yellow, causing her fingers to crack, bend, and contort in all the ways no finger should. It produces a black hole that blows a wide, oozing opening into the elevator.)
Tessa: Whoops, all mitosis!
(Tessa sprays more blood in the way of the advancing red-eyed Sentinel. The Sentinel regurgitates a severed Murder Drone arm and, clasping it firmly in its mouth, fires a bullet at Tessa, only for V to get in the way and catch the bullet with her bare claws. She tosses the bullet back at the gun arm, disarming it. It turns out she's wearing her old, broken glasses, which sharpened her vision enough to perform such a feat)
V: Did I get it?
(Uzi's Absolute Solver is out of control, distorting the hole in front of her. She panics, panting heavily as she tries restraining her glitched arm. Left with no other choice, N slices the mangled hand off with his sword. For a split second as she falls back, her head snaps towards N, eyes gleaming yellow and mouth twisted into a grin, showing him a single message: MISS ME?)
(N catches her in his arms. Uzi coughs up oil as her eyes switch between purple and yellow, her voice overlapping with the Absolute Solver's.)
Uzi/Absolute Solver: (Severely glitching) What the hell is going on?
Tessa: Bugger, that's bad. Come on, team!
(Tessa pulls Uzi and N into the elevator, only for it to get stuck.)
N: V, come on!
(V is no t listening. She's still fighting the red-eyed Sentinel. Still clutching the severed arm, the Sentinel extends its blade and deftly swings at V. With her vision in peak condition, however, V's sword fight ends in seconds as she knocks the Sentinel to the ground.)
(Just as she readies her arm cannon at the Sentinel, another pulls out the power supply to the elevator, causing it to rise slightly. With both sides of the elevator wide open, the team inside are sitting ducks. The Sentinel flashes its lights; V whips her head back to avoid the light, causing her glasses to fly off her face. Another Sentinel crushes the glasses beneath its foot. V is surrounded.)
V: Hey, um–
V: ...Nah. (To Uzi) Uzi?
(Uzi looks at V, her expression grim.)
V: ...I trust you.
(V slashes the elevator cables with her laser cannon.)
N: V, PLEASE! (N covers his head with his hands)
(V doesn't get in. With a resigned smile, she gives one final salute as the Sentinels surround her and attack as the cables snap, sending the elevator down.)
(Credits roll.)