JCJenson (IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!), better known as JCJenson, is an interstellar company that was stationed on Earth, whose main services are manufacturing various products ranging from branded pens to Worker Drones, autonomous robots serving as servants for humans. Neither the date of incorporation nor the company's founder(s) are known.
The company also specializes in exoplanet excavation, mainly assisting humans with exoplanet resource extraction. One of them was Copper 9, where JCJenson offered assistance to humans by sending in needed equipment and mass amounts of Worker Drones that were used just like slaves.
Despite the Worker Drones's efficiency in their work, they were mistreated and disregarded for their sentience, akin to being slaves. After Copper 9's core collapsed, all biological life on the exoplanet went extinct. Shortly after, the now-abandoned Worker Drones quickly moved on to create their future for themselves.
At first, it was thought that JCJenson didn't like the idea of sentient, rebellious robots, so they soon ushered in several launch pods containing squads of Disassembly Drones, known as "Murder Drones" by their prey, to kill all Worker Drones they find. It later turned out that the Disassembly Drones were sent by Cyn to set the Absolute Solver's plans in motion — eliminating all their hosts and accessing Cabin Fever Labs to find and destroy the Crucifix Patch. It was the only device capable of removing the influence of the program. The Disassembly Drones that got to the labs were destroyed by the Sentinels.
After the destruction of J due to the railgun, Absolute Solver understands that its plans to destroy Copper 9 may not be implemented. Absolute Solver uses Tessa's corpse to pretend to be the real Tessa for the cloned J, allegedly over the years she joined JCJenson as a certified technician to fight the Solver. J and the fake Tessa arrive on Copper 9 to destroy Cabin Fever Labs so that the Solver does not get access to them. In fact, Solver wanted to destroy the Crucifix Patch. Uzi, possessed by the Solver, destroys patch and the Solver's corpse-drone hybrid vessel descends into the core of the planet. As a result, apparently provokes the complete destruction of the planet.
JCJenson is never mentioned again following Absolute End, leaving it unknown if the company is still in operation.
JCJenson has many products including but not limited to:
- Windox
- Chuck the Duck
- Rad
- Mr Bald
- Zippity: Zip Zip Baggies!
- Wiwi
- Worker Drones
- JCJenson is a parody of S.C. Johnson. Their logo uses the same color palette and design as the SC Johnson logo.
- Just like how JCJenson is parody of SC Johnson, the products that JCJenson sells are also parodies.
- There are several following products that are mentioned in the training video.
- Windox being a parody of Windex
- Chuck the Duck possibly being a parody of Toilet Duck
- Rad being a parody of Raid
- Mr. Bald being a parody of Mr. Muscle
- Zippity being a parody of Ziploc
- Wiwi being a parody of Kiwi
- There are several following products that are mentioned in the training video.
- Uzi namedrops "Windex," an SC Johnson product, during the Pilot (Episode 1)
- Just like how JCJenson is parody of SC Johnson, the products that JCJenson sells are also parodies.
"Zombie Drones!!!" VHS Training Tape[]
Characters |
Worker Drones |