Murder Drones Wiki

Most pages will be prone to containing spoilers for Absolute End; read at your own risk.


Murder Drones Wiki
Murder Drones Wiki

Murder Drones is the German dub of the show of the same name.


Character Localized name Voice actor
Uzi Doorman Uzi Türmeister Vanessa Strauch
Sarah AVT-Mitglied 5 (wrongfully credited)
Serial Designation N Drohnenmodell N Oliver Matzke
Serial Designation V Drohnenmodell V Jarah Best
Serial Designation J Drohnenmodell J Susanna Cuda
Thad Yan Rütten
Khan Doorman Khan Türmeister Bojan Vucetic
Lizzy Lauren Tan
Doll Celina Bender
Absolute Solver / Cyn Lara Schmidt
Teacher Lehrer Nils Wicke
Tessa Svenja Praß
Braxton Richard Shrein
Frank Charly Landmann
JC Tech Training Narrator JC Tech Trainer
Todd Krystix
Makarov Alexander Müller
Riley Lucas Frömel
Dr. Ridley Finja Kiehn
Nori Doorman Nori Türmeister Caroline Werner
Unnamed Detective Drone Sarah (wrongfully credited) Sira Matasashi
Louisa Elliott
Unnamed WDF Detective Kamera-Drohne Maximilian Eberle
Rebecca Wiktoria Szczepanska
Penny Jasmin Wolf
Darren Kevin Kaparulin
Emily Lara Tronschel
James Elliott Ali Zamir Sakhiezada
Lord Frumptlebucket Niklas Wiese
Chad Julian Göke
Unnamed WDF Member AVT-Mitglied 4
Braidon Basti


Season 1[]

No. Episode Localized title Literal translation Release
1 "PILOT" "Dunkle Engel" "Dark Angels" August 28, 2023
2 "Heartbeat" "Engel oder Teufel" "Angel(s) or Devil(s)" September 18, 2023
3 "The Promening" "Balltanz" "Prom Dance" October 3, 2023
4 "Cabin Fever" "Camp 98.7" November 14, 2023
5 "Home" "Heimat" "Home" December 4, 2023
6 "Dead End" "Schutzengel" "Guardian Angel" January 3, 2024
7 "Mass Destruction" "Die Endzeit" "The End Times" March 29, 2024
8 "Absolute End" "Das unvermeidbare Ende" "The inevitable End" August 23, 2024



  • Within the German dub, Murder Drones are referred to as "Dunkle Engel" (literally: "Dark Angels"), which is also the title of the first episode. The name of the show stayed unaltered though.
    • However, Worker Drones are simply referred to as "Arbeiterdrohnen" (literally: "Worker Drones").
  • Uzi's and Khan's last name "Doorman" was localized as "Türmeister" (literally: "Doormaster"), despite the doors being referred to as "Tore" (literally: "gates").
  • The WDF is referred to as "AVT", meaning "Arbeiterdrohnen-Verteidigungs-Trupp".
  • Most of Doll's Russian lines are translated to German while a few are kept in Russian.
  • In "Cabin Fever" Uzi uses a Saxon dialect when voicing the tailtip.
  • The German dub has more biblical references than the English original.

References and Changes[]


  • Uzi says "Ich hab' nur diesen einen Schuss" ("I just have this one shot") which is a direct reference to the German version of the song "My Shot" from the musical "Hamilton".
  • V says "Was zum Obst?" ("What the fruit?") which is a reference to the Disney series "Randy Cunningham - 9th Grade Ninja", where "Was zum Obst?" is Randy's catchphrase in the German dub ("What the juice?" in English).
  • J calls N "nutzlose Matschbirne" and "Schwachkopf" which are meant as a reference to the character "Whatley" from the game "Portal 2".
  • The teacher says that Uzi's task was an "analysis on Thore's 50 melons". This is supposed to reference ridiculous math tasks where someone buys an enormous amount of melons or similar things. The name "Thore" sounds similar to the word "Tore" which is used to refer to the doors.
  • The teacher also doesn't ask if the railgun is supposed to be that color, but rather says that he finds the change in color questionable.
  • Uzi calls her railgun "verschissen geile Railgun" which can be roughly translated to "shitty awesome railgun" ("shitty" in that context is a positive amplification in German). Then Riley responds with "Verschissen trifft's am ehesten." ("shitty seems more accurate.").
  • When hearts come out of N's gun, he tells V "Versteh das bloß nicht richtig!" ("Don't get the correct idea!").
  • Uzi says that she is surprised that Thad remembered her name, as he is not "a figure of the shadows", indirectly calling herself one.


  • Uzi says "It's Denji time!", after that N replies "Chainsaws activated!", a direct reference to the manga/anime "Chainsaw Man".
  • Thad calls N "N wie Endlich" which is a reference to the "FUN-Song" from the show "SpongeBob SquarePants".
  • The Absolute Solver says to Uzi "Du wirst assimiliert werden, Widerstand ist zwecklos." ("You will be assimilated, resistance is futile.") which is a reference to the Borg from "Star Trek".
  • Ron calls N a "Mörderausschauflugmaschine" which directly translates to "Murderer lookout flying machine" and is supposed to be an unnecessarily long direct translation of the English "Murder Drone".
  • Tim calls Frank a "pixelated, glowing paper cutout".
  • N calls Uzi's solver her "third eye".
  • While Uzi calls the shuriken "Ninja-Stern" ("Ninja Star"), the Solver calls it "Shuriken".
  • Thad doesn't talk about a "shindig" but just about a "party".
  • Instead of "Get snuck upon", the Solver says "Huschedihusch", which can roughly be translated as "swiftediswift" or "sneakedisneak".
  • Braidon's name was changed to "Basti".
  • N calls himself "Fancy N" instead of "Dapper N" (the word "fancy" is left English).

The Promening[]

  • Lizzy tells V to run, a reference to "Forrest Gump": "Run, Forrest, Run!"
  • N says that him and V maybe grew up in "Luigi's Mansion".
  • After realizing that Doll seems to be the bad guy, N says "Ich kann kein Mathe, wie sollte ich damit rechnen?", which is a German play on words and classic joke (literally translates to: "I can't do math, how was I supposed to calculate that?", meaning "How was I supposed to guess that outcome?").
  • After Lizzy asks what to do with V's hand, N says "Reichst du mir bitte die Hand?" which is a play on words meaning "Would you give me that hand?", "Would you lend me a hand?" and "Would you shake my hand?".
  • Doll says that she doesn't clean her room because the keybugs sleep better that way.
  • Doll's Russian line "As they say in Russian" was changed to "As they say in German" in Russian, after which she goes on to talk about broken mirrors in German.
  • N calls V "crap" instead of just saying that she kinda sucks.

Cabin Fever[]

  • When counting the students, Sam says the number "Drölf" which is not an actual number, but rather a popular German "made up number". It combines the numbers "Dreizehn" (thirteen) and "Zwölf" (twelve).
  • Rebecca describes Uzi as a "figure of the shadows", calling back to episode 1.
  • Uzi calls her class "Freunde der Sonne" ("friends of the sun") which is a popular German way to refer to a group of people and also creates a divide between her ("figure of the shadows") and the rest.
  • N says to Uzi "Mach das einfach nicht nochmal" ("Just don't do that again") which is exactly the same that Ron told N in episode 2, after he killed a bunch of people.
  • Instead of asking if it has pictures, Sam asks Uzi if the book actually says that the group should separate, to which Uzi says that it doesn't.
  • The term "Final Girl" was translated as "Die Überlebende" ("The Surviving One"). When Lizzy sees Emily's corpse, she first excitingly says "The Surviving One!" and after realising that she is dead, she says "Uhh... The Dead One?".


  • Tessa says "Aufgehört und zugepasst!" which is a reference to the character Willy Wonka.
  • In German, there are two ways of saying "you". The informal "du" and the formal "Sie". Tessa addresses her mother formally, which shows their huge distance.
  • Louisa doesn't call Tessa's drones broken, but "Drecksdrohnen" (literally: "dirty drones", meaning "shitty drones"), to which Cyn then says "Sie sind nicht dreckig." ("They are not dirty.").
  • The name of the bird Ronald was changed to "Ronaldo".
  • V calls Uzi a "tick".

Dead End[]

  • Alice does not speak in an accent or dialect.
  • Uzi says that if Alice slices V up, a "holo snake thing" will appear, which are the same words N used to describe the Absolute Solver in episode 3.

Mass Destruction[]

  • Ridley says "Wir wissenschaften gut, Sir!". "Wissenschaften" is no existing verb, so it can roughly be translated as "We're sciencing well, sir!".
  • The patch is constantly referred to just as the "USB-Stick".
  • The Solver resumes the "Huschedihusch"-line the same way she said it in episode 2.

Absolute End[]

  • V calls J a "tick", just like she called Uzi in episode 5.
  • The Solver again strikes a Star Trek reference by saying "Ihr werdet assimiliert werden, Widerstand ist zwecklos".
  • The Solver says "Schwuppedischwupps" which is meant to reference her line from episode 2, "Huschedihusch".
  • Instead of saying "Let's murder a planet!", Uzi says "Wer als erstes unten ist!", starting a race of who first reaches the planet.
  • J calls Thad, Lizzy and Khan "lebendige Toaster" ("sentient toasters") which links back to her calling Uzi a "half-sentient toaster" in episode 1.
  • The Solver says "f*cking shit", with the "shit" barely censored, since the word has been used on multiple occasions in the dub.
  • The title of episode 8 is both a reference to the end of the show being "inevitable", as well as a line from the Absolute Solver in episode 5.


  • In episode 1, Uzi says that it was easy for the drones to continue "where we left off". In English she says "where they left off".
  • The subtitles of episode 3 say that the German episode title would be "Tanz der Engel". However, the actual title is "Balltanz".
    • Across all episodes, the subtitles overall have some minor errors.
  • In episode 7, Khan says "check the perimeter". However, the word "perimeter" in German does not mean the same as in English.

External links[]
