Murder Drones Wiki

Most pages will be prone to containing spoilers for Absolute End; read at your own risk.


Murder Drones Wiki
Murder Drones Wiki
This page has a wiki of its own: Murder Drones Wiki (Polish).

Murder Drones is the Polish dub of the show of the same name.


Character Localized name Voice actor
Uzi Doorman Agnieszka Wiśniewska
Serial Designation N Moduł Seryjny N Miron Hukała
Serial Designation V Moduł Seryjny V Anna Grygorowicz
Serial Designation J Moduł Seryjny J Jolanta Brzostowska
Cyn / Absolute Solver Cyn / Uwierzytelniacz / AbsoluteSolver Liwia Stępień
Tessa Marta Czarkowska
Khan Doorman Qki
Thad Michał Matuszak
Lizzy Nicola Borawska
Nori Doorman Agnieszka Kryszczyńska-Krauze
Teacher Nauczyciel Sebastian Jankowski
Chad Maciej Ciołek
Makarov Paweł Pawlikowski
Frank Jerzy Pasznik
JC Tech Training Narrator Narrator Treningu Technika Serwisowego
Lord Frumptlebucket Piotr Nowicki
Sam Jakub Gajec
Katie Magda Domagała
Trevor Felix Piątek
Braidon Mateusz Śniechowski
James Elliott Krzysztof Głowienke
Louisa Elliot Katarzyna Laska
Sarah Julia Sikora
Ron Daniel Lebek
Reid Bartłomiej Niedziałek
Ridley Kinga Romanowska
Emily Weronika Wachowiak
Darren Winicjusz Pilarski
Alice Katarzyna Wrzesińska
Mitchell Paweł Wojtaszek
Voice-over Liwia Stępień
Additional voices Qki
Nicola Borawska
Liwia Stępień
Paweł Pawlikowski
Maciej Ciołek
Jerzy Pasznik
Piotr Nowicki
Jakub Gajec
Magda Domagała
Felix Piątek
Mateusz Śniechowski
Krzysztof Głowienke
Julia Sikora
Daniel Lebek
Grzegorz Rusinek
Bartłomiej Niedziałek
Kinga Romanowska
Winicjusz Pilarski
Katarzyna Laska
Agnieszka Kryszczyńska-Krauze


Season 1[]

No. Episode Localized title Literal translation Release
1 "PILOT" "Pilot" "Pilot" August 29, 2024
2 "Heartbeat" "W rytmie serca" "In the Rhythm of the Heart"
3 "The Promening" "Bal Wszystkich Ściętych" "All Beheaded' Ball"
4 "Cabin Fever" "Czarny Tabor" "Black Camp"
5 "Home" "Dom Zły" "Bad Home"
6 "Dead End" "Bez Powrotu" "No Return"
7 "Mass Destruction" "Ostatnia Wieczerza" "The Last Supper"
8 "Absolute End" "Wykładniczy Kres" "Exponential End" August 23, 2024



  • Unlike other dubbings, which are released chronologically, the Polish dubbing for the final episode "Absolute End" was released before the dubbing for the remaining episodes of the series was released. The remaining episodes were released 5 days later.
  • In the subtitles of the first episode, the series title is translated to "Mordodrony" (the characters in the dubbing also call the titular antagonists this way), although the official version used is "Murder Drones".

References and Changes[]

Absolute End[]

  • J says "To się wyklepie" (literally "This will be tapped out", which loosely translates to "It will be fixed"). This is a characteristic phrase used in the well-known Polish meme "Andrzeju, nie denerwuj się" ("Andrzej, chill").
  • There is a small wordplay in this episode. When Uzi uses her signature line "Goń się!" (the Polish equivalent of "Bite me!", having a similar meaning, although literally translated as "chase yourself"), Cyn replies "Gonię!" ("Chase you!") and attacks Uzi.

External links[]
